Consiliarii specialises in the following:
- Optimisation of methods;
- Setting of time standards;
- Implementation of Lean Manufacturing Principles;
- Clockworks Implementation and Installation;
- Maintenance and Support of Clockworks Installations.
This enables our clients to monitor, control and improve productivity.
We believe that a thorough understanding of our client's Business from a Marketing
as well as a Manufacturing perspective is essential before any solution can be
recommended. Any business enterprise, even within the same industry, can differ
from the next as resources, material and material impact on methods, standards
and overall performance differ.
Our consulting services and software revolves around the following time based performance
measurement concepts:
The actual time taken to complete a defined task compared to the standard time it
should take to complete the task.
The time a resource is utilised compared with the time it is available and planned
to be utilised over a specified period of time.
How successfull a resource and resources are in producing quality products in accordance
with the required specifications and tolerances over a specific period of time.
Overall Equipment Effectiveness:
How efficiently a resource is utilised whilst producing quality products during
the time it is available to be utilised.